Friday, October 23, 2009

Best time of year
This is seriously what my back yard looks like. All of it. It's beautiful. I love the trees, and I love the rain we have.
I just sent off a partial request. Fingers crossed. (Or they would be, if I could get my stomach to calm down.)
So. I'm reading Leviathan, by Scott Westerfield. It's very good. This is it's cover.
This is what came up when I googled 'Leviathan.'
Anyway. I found that remarkably cool.
This would be longer, but my friend is having a bonfire and I have to go get ready. YAY! Bon fire! Smores! Fire! Lots of loud, insane people! And . . . chocolate strawberries? Yes, those too, because she is just that cool.

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