Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yay, I get an award! Thank you very much, Ms. Cipherqueen. :D
To fulfill this award, I must now list 10 things that make me happy. Well, that shouldn't be too hard. I'm putting pictures as I go, instead of at the end, so bare with me. :D
:D In no particular order....

1) Reading!! Reading some more!! More reading!! Books!! They're so pretty and shiny and awesome and they make me very happy indeed. :D

2) My fantabulous friends, online and off. They keep me amused, annoyed, happy, and exasperated all at once.
3) Shoes. Heels, boots, clogs, sandals, exspensive, cheap, all the way. Shoes, shoes, shoes.

4) Shiny things. Sparkly things. Things that glitter. Things that glitter and that are gold. :D

5) Debate. It's a stress reliever and it gives me a chance to exercise my sarcasm.

6) Scholarships. College is so flipping expensive.
7) Cute boys. :D Yes, you knew it was coming. I'm sorry. It just had to be said.
(This is Emmet, from Twilight.)

8) Writing! Even better than debate for stress, and plus, it's just fun.
9) Partial requests. Oh, and full requests. Oh, and editing. And . . . yeah. Basically, succeeding at writing.
10) Happy endings. It's obvious, but I like them. In real life, in books, in movies--I like things to work out.
And now, I have to pick some people who deserve the Happy goes...

The Green Bean Teen Queen (Hah, that's fun to type.)
Carry on! :D


Kendra Logan said...

Aw, thank you!! Wow!


mo said...
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mo said...

OhOhOh--AWARDS. :D Yip.

Gracias, mi amiga! (You see that? I just pwned you with my Spanish speaking skills.)

BTW, I logged in on the wrong email so I had to delete the last comment. Sorries.