Sunday, October 17, 2010

Zomg Harry Potter

Y'all, take a minute. Breathe deep. Now. Get ready for a freaking ton of awesome.
Because guess what?
It's almost November.
And that, my dears, means one thing.
No. Not Thanksgiving. This is better than turkey.
No -- not Nanowrite. Really, guys?
I'm talking something EPIC BEYOND WORDS.
Yeah. You got it.
Harry Potter.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PosterEmma Watson as Hermione GrangerRupert Grint as Ron Weasley
Dudes. I could paper every inch of my walls with these. Not even joking. They would go right over my Japanese fans and pictures of my friends and all the other junk I've nailed up. Just google the posters. There's TONS. 
Midnight release, anyone?
After all -- who really needs public American school? Hogwarts is totally better.


Liam said...

I am seeing them each seven times. *dies*

Abby Minard said...

OMg, I'm so excited! It's just a month away!

mo said...

Me, you, popcorn/candy/soda, and Harry Potter, at the movies, midnight.


Sam said...

Liam: That is a WONDERFUL plan.
Abby: I know!! I can't wait. Seriously.
Maggie: Deal. We will CONQUER. And possibly get wands. With sparkles.