So, today I turned 17. Yeah. I know. Exciting, right?
Oh, yeah, good point. 17 isn't all that spectacular. I mean, last year I started to drive. Next year I vote. This year ... not much.
Except -- WAIT. I can buy duct tape now! Legally!
(Sadly enough, I did actually buy that for a friend once, as a birthday present. My maturity has always been superior.)
Anyway. :PThis past year has been hard. Everyone said junior year is hard, and I laughed at them, and now they are at melaughing as I
Oh, wait, sanity. I never had much to start with...
Eh, whatever.
Anyway again.
People always ask what we want to be when we grow up. At 17, you're expected to have an answer.
I still don't. I don't know exactly what I am going to be.
But I know who I want to be like.
They're who I want to be like.
Plus, you know, there is this.
-grins- I like it.
I'm glad for this past year. I'm glad that, at 16, I've had some of the best role models a kid could ask for.Anyway. (For the last time, promise!)
I'm off to figure out what the heck a boutonniere is, because I've got prom on Saturday and I have been informed that I was supposed to figure that out weeks ago. -coughs- I am officially a fail as a date. Anyone wanna help me out here? It's a flower, right?
Meh. Google will teach me.
For now, thanks to all of you. Thanks for making last year great.
More later.
1 comment:
This is late and I already said it earlier this month, but Happy Birthday! I hope the whole month has been fabulous! And you must visit me at the library soon to help me make my ALA books to bring back for you teens list!:)
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