Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just utterly fantabulous

I have read some absolutely amazing books lately.
So what, you might say. Don't you think every book is amazing?
No. I only post about the ones I like, true, because I don't feel the need to be mean to books that someone spent months working on. Somebody out there probably likes it, I just happen not to. Besides, this isn't a review blog, so it just isn't necessary.
Anyway. Minor rant. Back tracking.
These particular books? Yeah. Utterly fantabulous.
I mean, as fantabulous as Alex Pettyfer. And that's hard to beat.
(Someday I will get tired of making you look at pictures of pretty boys. I promise. It might even be soon.
Well. I mean, don't hold your breath or anything.)
Back to the books.
First, there is this one.
My local librarian recommended this to me. Now, normally, I am not a fan of zombie books. Too often they turn into this.

Zombie-Bleh. I eat you.
Very pretty but misunderstood heroine-NO DON'T EAT ME? DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME? WE WERE FRIENDS!!!

Very pretty and yet totally kick butt heroine--ZOMBIE I KILL YOU!
Very pretty but soft and sensitive male-- Zombie Killeress, you are very pretty. Let's date and eventually live together happily after our entire world recovers from being infested by zombies.

No, I don't count that as a negative review. I count that as what will probably happen to vampires--they get overdone and so therefor, sometimes, they get done badly. Both of those plots can be done well. They are often, however, not.
This book was not like that.
This book was well written. The characters were well developed and the plot was verrrrrrry good. It goes into equality and human nature and all the good stuff. Plus, the ending was a surprise to me. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. Not to brag--really, not to brag--but I'm usually relatively good at seeing that stuff.

Book number two.
I read this book a while ago, actually, but we just bought it. (It had a new shiny cover and it's worth the reread.)
It's a very good concept. I mean, very good. The main character is a poison tester for a Commander. It was fascinating to me. I've never read a book from that point of view. I mean, we all know about them. We know what they do. But it was really interesting to see it from her eyes.
Oh, and there's a good plot too. So yay!
Book Number Three
Sad! So sad! It's a school shooting book. Again, like the zombies, I tend to be jaded on this subject. I've read several books that demonize the shooter. Now, I obviously DO NOT agree with anyone shooting up a school, but I find it one of society's major flaws that we don't try to empathize. It's the only way to understand it and keep it from happening. At my school, we had an 'attempted' shooting last year, or so said the rumor mill and various teachers. Apparently the kid's friend turned him in. Not once did anyone ask 'Why?'
I think that it's a question we really, really need to ask.
This book is from the shooter's girlfriend's point of view. For me, that was probably the most interesting view it could have taken. She wrote the 'List' with him--the list of people they 'hated.' To her, it was a joke. To him, it wasn't. Afterwards, she had to deal with being the girlfriend--with being the one who penned in the names.
It was very, very good.
And then the final book I am listing today. I'm not actually done with it. However, it's good enough for a pre-mention.
I like southern books that don't stereotype. I mean, I live in Missouri. I know the hick jokes. I know accents and I know deep fried food. I'm not even deep in the South, and I know that. But Southern does not equate stupid or hick. When you can make a book that uses Southern dialogue without being condescending, it's kinda amazing.
Plus, it's just good.
More later, I'm sure.


GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

I need to catch up on Generation Dead-everyone keeps saying it's great! And I downloaded Beautiful Creatures on audio and it's pretty good.
The other two I have at home in my TBR pile! I'll read them-I promise!

Kendra Logan said...

Awesome! We seem to like the same kind of thing (JACEJACEJACE), so I'll look for those!


Sam said...

Sarah: u do need to read it! It's very, very good. And I bet the audio book is good. :]
Kendra: oh, gosh, Jace. Sigh. :] he's hard to top
Maddi: books are my drug. Perverted nastiness is yours.

mo said...

I was looking at Generation Dead the other day. But it was like, that or Captivate. And Captivate was important to buy. (Do you want to borrow it?)

Also... I don't remember. Oh yeah:
"My local librarian recommended this to me. Now, normally, I am not a fan of zombie books. Too often they turn into this.

Zombie-Bleh. I eat you.
Very pretty but misunderstood heroine-NO DON'T EAT ME? DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME? WE WERE FRIENDS!!!

Very pretty and yet totally kick butt heroine--ZOMBIE I KILL YOU!
Very pretty but soft and sensitive male-- Zombie Killeress, you are very pretty. Let's date and eventually live together happily after our entire world recovers from being infested by zombies."

Yes, I am taking up space in order to quote you. That quotedness made my night.

Sam said...

I was very fond of that. :DD