So. My Junior year of high school is DONE. Yeah. I know, right? It was awful and awesome and now I'm done, and I can BLOG YAY WOOT WOOT. (Well. When I have internet. Which is when I go to the library. Which is often. So yeah...)
Also, erm, if you'd like to not point out what a crappy blogger I've been these past couple of months, that would be awesome.Cool? COOL. Guys, I love you. I love you like, this much.
Anyway. I've been promising reviews for -- okay, we're not going to say how long -- so, to make up for it, I'm putting up several mini reviews.
Bitter End.
I like Jennifer Brown. I liked Hate List. I liked Bitter End, too. The story revolves around an abusive relationship, but it's told in a way that really gets inside of the victims head. The story is as about platonic love from friends and how to get out of a bad situation before things get deadly. The main character is degraded, abused, traumatized -- and still stays. This book is about why that happens, and what to do if it happens to you. It's a little bit slow to start, but I ended up being really fond of it.
Also, unrelated, but the cover is freaking awesome. There are words in the black part at the bottom, and I find it kind of awesome.
Here's the Amazon page for more reviews.
Next up, Firelight by Sophie Jordan.
Okay, okay. It's paranormal. It's a tad predictable. But Firelight had some interesting twists to it. Granted, there were moments that I was reminded a little bit too much of Twilight (New girl in school, hot guy that doesn't talk to anyone but her, ect) but the idea of dragons put a new and different twist on it. I wish the novel would've spent more time focusing on the dragon aspect and a little bit less on the high school stuff -- the dragon was new and fresh, and I think that would've made the book stand out more.
Amazon page here.
Third: Beauty Queens, by Libba Bray.
Zomg, guys. I laughed so hard at this book. Libba Bray hits every stereotype on the head and keeps on smashing at it until something real is left underneath. Seriously. Think of a teenage girl stereotype. Ms. Bray goes over it, conquers it, and does it with humor. It's not anything like I've ever read before. The book is thick with all sorts of satire and I loved it. Best girl power book I've read in a long time, and possibly ever.
Amazon page here.
Where She Went, by Gayle Forman.
I didn't think If I Stay needed a sequel. I just -- I didn't. And honestly? If the sequel had been bungled, it would've been bad.
But Where She Went didn't read like the second in a series. It's from a different point of view, telling a different story, and I actually really enjoyed it. It gave me more time with characters I liked and cared about without dragging on a story that didn't have the conviction to make another novel.
I'm still not sure a sequel was necessary, but I'm actually glad it available; the book ended up being much better than I would've expected.
Here's the Amazon page.
Okay, I have more reviews, but this post is going to get way too long. Also, Nationals for debate are next week and
So, farewell, m'dears. Go out and enjoy the summer!
More later.
What time is it? Summer time! It's our vacation! What time is it? Summer time! School's out, scream and shout!
Ahem. There's some HSM lyrics for ya.
Yay for reviews! I liked Bitter End, and although I haven't read the others, I'm looking forward to Where She Went and Beauty Queens. And dragons! Fun! Maybe I'll read Firelight as well :)
Summer Day 1: Opened box of chocolate ice cream. Went to heaven. Not expected to return soon. :p
The heat actually got to me... had some crazy ideas, chased 'em, didn't quite work out. Slightly freaking out about the College question, since, y'know, that is what I'm supposed to be working on...*wince* As usual, I want those books. Silly library; closing early. Pfft.
So, back to finding out what summer hw my english teacher left...:( Joy. *grabs ice cream box possessively*
!!!I need to find the post on the summer camp!!!(if you already went) Procrastination, here I come!
Maggie: I own both, so feel free. :D
Cipherqueen: The heat is good for that. I'm in pittsburgh and it's lovely and so much better.
Summer homework. :(
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