Monday, February 22, 2010

Miss Fantabulous in her debute review of Vinyl princess!

Note by Sam; My friends know that I blog. Some of them have blogs themselves. Brandon, Maddie, and Maggie are all from my school. Today, though, I am with someone who does not have a blog, but wants to speak to you. So, in her debut review (Yes, she spelled debut wrong on purpose earlier) I give you this.

Hi! This is Miss Fantabulous (Sam's friend) known in some circles as gorgeous. This is who is representing me today.

Note by Sam: My friends are not all this conceited. Just this one. :D Kidding, kidding.
For all of those people in the world who are diehard classic music fans (not Sam) who know great life changing music when they hear it (also not Sam) I would sugest the book Vinyl Princess.

Yvonne Prinz knows her music and if you love the clear sound of vinyl this is a great book for you. Allie's quirky way of looking at things gives the tasteful world of tasteless music a much needed makover. The best selling point... She makes fun of Dave Mathews.

(Sorry to any Dave Mathews fans...if you do in fact exist.) Who knows you might even get a few ideas for your collection. If you are a true vinyl fan you do have one (even if you won't admit it).

That's all I have to say. Now go put on Supertramp Breakfast in America, Bob Dylan Don't look back, or Rod Stewart's best album Every picture tells a story and enjoy some true music.
Final Note From Sam: I know Bob Dylan. Out of those three, that's about it. My expertise is planted firmly in the written word. However, Miss Fantabulous is pretty dang good with books too...Usually. Movies, I would not take her word on. She's been quoting this book all week though, so I assume it's good.
I'm off to go read about zombies.
More Later!


mo said...

I think I might have a hinch on who you are Miss Fantabulous. I could ruin you! MWAHAHAHAH.

Anyways, the book sounds good. I love all the music she mentioned (I love all music, practically) so that's...well, I dunno. That's that. Um...


Sam said...

Maggie, you sleuth. :D